- int BinarySearchTree<T>::tree_remove(const T& elem)
- {
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T> *z = tree_search(elem);//根据元素查找到要删除的节点
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T> *x, *y;
- if (z != NULL)
- {
- //用y来表示实际要删除的节点
- if (z->left == NULL || z->right == NULL)//最多只有一个儿子节,要么没有儿子节点
- y = z;
- else
- y = tree_search(tree_successor(elem));//有两个儿子的时候实际删除的是后继节点
- //因为有上面的if语句,所以y要么只有一个儿子,要么没有儿子。后继节点只有右儿子或者没有儿子
- //所以x要么是儿子节点,要么是空节点
- if (y->left != NULL)
- x = y->left;
- else
- x = y->right;
- if (x != NULL)//判断y节点有没有儿子节点,有的花就把y节点的父节点变成x的父节点。
- x->parent = y->parent;
- //y是根节点或者不是根节点的情况
- if (y->parent == NULL)
- root = x;
- else if (y == y->parent->left)//如果y节点不是根节点的情况该怎么处理呢?
- y->parent->left = x;
- else
- y->parent->right = x;
- //处理后继节点的情况,因为y表示后继的时候y!=z;
- if (y != z)
- z->elem = y->elem;
- delete y;
- }
- return -1;
- }
二叉查找树的概念及操作。主要内容包括二叉查找树的性质,如何在二叉查找树 中查找最大值、最小值和给定的值,如何找出某一个元素的前驱和后继,如何在二叉查找树中进行插入和删除操作。在二叉查找树上执行这些基本操作的时间与树的 高度成正比,一棵随机构造的二叉查找树的期望高度为O(lgn),从而基本动态集合的操作平均时间为θ(lgn)。
在二叉查找树中查找一个给定的关键字k的过程与二分查找很类似,根据二叉查找树在的关键字存放的特征,很容易得出查找过程:首先是关键字k与树根的关 键字进行比较,如果k大比根的关键字大,则在根的右子树中查找,否则在根的左子树中查找,重复此过程,直到找到与遇到空结点为止。例如下图所示的查找关键 字13的过程:(查找过程每次在左右子树中做出选择,减少一半的工作量)
- if x=NULL or k=key[x]
- then return x
- if(k<key[x])
- then return TREE_SEARCH(left[x],k)
- else
- then return TREE_SEARCH(right[x],k)
- while x!=NULL and k!=key[x]
- do if k<key[x]
- then x=left[x]
- else
- then x=right[x]
- return x
根据二叉查找树的特征,很容易查找出最大和最小关键字。查找二叉树中的最小关键字:从根结点开始,沿着各个节点的left指针查找下去,直到遇到 NULL时结束。如果一个结点x无左子树,则以x为根的子树中,最小关键字就是key[x]。查找二叉树中的最大关键字:从根结点开始,沿着各个结点的 right指针查找下去,直到遇到NULL时结束。书中给出了查找最大最小关键字的伪代码:
- hile left[x] != NULL
- do x=left[x]
- eturn x
- while right[x] != NULL
- do x= right[x]
- return x
给定一个二叉查找树中的结点,找出在中序遍历顺序下某个节点的前驱和后继。如果树中所有关键字都不相同,则某一结点x的前驱就是小于key[x]的所 有关键字中最大的那个结点,后继即是大于key[x]中的所有关键字中最小的那个结点。根据二叉查找树的结构和性质,不用对关键字做任何比较,就可以找到 某个结点的前驱和后继。
- if right[x] != NULL
- then return TREE_MINMUM(right(x))
- y=parent[x]
- while y!= NULL and x ==right[y]
- do x = y
- y=parent[y]
- return y
- y = NULL;
- x =root[T]
- while x != NULL
- do y =x
- if key[z] < key[x]
- then x=left[x]
- else x=right[x]
- parent[z] =y
- if y=NULL
- then root[T] =z
- else if key[z]>key[y]
- then keft[y] = z
- else right[y] =z
- if left[z] ==NULL or right[z] == NULL
- then y=z
- else y=TREE_SUCCESSOR(z)
- if left[y] != NULL
- then x=left[y]
- else x=right[y]
- if x!= NULL
- then parent[x] = parent[y]
- if p[y] ==NULL
- then root[T] =x
- else if y = left[[prarnt[y]]
- then left[parent[y]] = x
- else right[parent[y]] =x
- if y!=z
- then key[z] = key[y]
- copy y's data into z
- return y
- template<class T>
- class BinarySearchTreeNode
- {
- public:
- T elem;
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T> *parent;
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T> *left;
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T> *right;
- };
- template<class T>
- class BinarySearchTree
- {
- public:
- BinarySearchTree();
- void tree_insert(const T& elem);
- int tree_remove(const T& elem);
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T> *tree_search(const T& elem) const;
- T tree_minmum(BinarySearchTreeNode<T>* root) const;
- T tree_maxmum(BinarySearchTreeNode<T>* root) const;
- T tree_successor(const T& elem) const;
- T tree_predecessor(const T& elem) const;
- int empty() const;
- void inorder_tree_walk() const;
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T>* get_root() { return root; }
- private:
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T>* root;
- };
- #include<iostream>
- #include<stack>
- using namespace std;
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*采用C++语言实现一个简单的二叉查找树,支持动态集合的基本操作: */
- /*search、minmum、maxmum、predecessor、successor、insert和delete。设计的二叉查找树结构如下所示: */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- template<class T>
- class BinarySearchTreeNode
- {
- public:
- T elem;
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T> *parent;
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T> *left;
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T> *right;
- };
- template<class T>
- class BinarySearchTree
- {
- public:
- BinarySearchTree();
- void tree_insert(const T& elem);
- int tree_remove(const T& elem);
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T> *tree_search(const T& elem) const;
- T tree_minmum(BinarySearchTreeNode<T>* root) const;
- T tree_maxmum(BinarySearchTreeNode<T>* root) const;
- T tree_successor(const T& elem) const;
- T tree_predecessor(const T& elem) const;
- int empty() const;
- void inorder_tree_walk() const;
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T>* get_root() { return root; }
- private:
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T>* root;
- };
- //构造函数,初始化二叉查找树。
- template <class T>
- BinarySearchTree<T>::BinarySearchTree()
- {
- root = NULL;
- }
- template <class T>
- void BinarySearchTree<T>::tree_insert(const T& elem)
- {
- if (!empty())
- {
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T> *p_node = root;
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T> *q_node = NULL;
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T> *new_node = new BinarySearchTreeNode<T>;
- new_node->elem = elem;
- new_node->left = NULL;
- new_node->right = NULL;
- new_node->parent = NULL;
- while (p_node)
- {
- q_node = p_node;
- if (p_node->elem > elem)
- p_node = p_node->left;
- else
- p_node = p_node->right;
- }//当p_node为空的时候,q_node正好是正确的插入位置的父节点,且q_node是叶节点.
- if (q_node->elem > elem)
- q_node->left = new_node;
- else
- q_node->right = new_node;
- new_node->parent = q_node;
- }
- else
- {
- root = new BinarySearchTreeNode<T>;
- root->elem = elem;
- root->parent = NULL;
- root->left = NULL;
- root->right = NULL;
- }
- }
- //二叉查找树节点的删除
- template <class T>
- int BinarySearchTree<T>::tree_remove(const T& elem)
- {
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T> *z = tree_search(elem);
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T> *x, *y;
- if (z != NULL)
- {
- //用y来表示实际要删除的节点
- if (z->left == NULL || z->right == NULL)//最多只有一个儿子节,要么没有儿子节点
- y = z;
- else
- y = tree_search(tree_successor(elem));//有两个儿子的时候实际删除的是后继节点
- //因为有上面的if语句,所以y要么只有一个儿子,要么没有儿子。后继节点只有右儿子或者没有儿子
- //所以x要么是儿子节点,要么是空节点
- if (y->left != NULL)
- x = y->left;
- else
- x = y->right;
- if (x != NULL)
- x->parent = y->parent;
- if (y->parent == NULL)
- root = x;
- else if (y == y->parent->left)
- y->parent->left = x;
- else
- y->parent->right = x;
- //处理后继节点的情况,因为y表示后继的时候y!=z;
- if (y != z)
- z->elem = y->elem;
- delete y;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- // BinarySearchTreeNode<T>* 返回类型,返回查找元素elem的节点
- template <class T>
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T>* BinarySearchTree<T>::tree_search(const T& elem) const
- {
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T> *pnode = root;
- while (pnode)
- {
- if (pnode->elem == elem)
- break;
- else if (pnode->elem > elem)
- pnode = pnode->left;
- else
- pnode = pnode->right;
- }
- return pnode;
- }
- //返回最小关键字的元素,可以参考书上用递归方法的写
- template <class T>
- T BinarySearchTree<T>::tree_minmum(BinarySearchTreeNode<T>* root) const
- {
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T> *pnode = root;
- while (pnode->left)
- pnode = pnode->left;
- return pnode->elem;
- }
- //返回最大关键字的元素,可以改用递归,不过效率降低
- template <class T>
- T BinarySearchTree<T>::tree_maxmum(BinarySearchTreeNode<T>* root) const
- {
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T> *pnode = root;
- while (pnode->right != NULL)
- pnode = pnode->right;
- return pnode->elem;
- }
- //后继节点
- template <class T>
- T BinarySearchTree<T>::tree_successor(const T& elem) const
- {
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T>* pnode = tree_search(elem);
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T>* parentnode;
- if (pnode != NULL)
- {
- if (pnode->right)
- return tree_minmum(pnode->right);
- parentnode = pnode->parent;
- while (parentnode && pnode == parentnode->right)
- {
- pnode = parentnode;
- parentnode = parentnode->parent;
- }
- if (parentnode)
- return parentnode->elem;
- else
- return T();
- }
- return T();
- }
- //前继节点
- template <class T>
- T BinarySearchTree<T>::tree_predecessor(const T& elem)const
- {
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T>* pnode = tree_search(elem);
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T>* parentnode;
- if (pnode != NULL)
- {
- if (pnode->right)
- return tree_maxmum(pnode->right);
- parentnode = pnode->parent;
- while (parentnode && pnode == parentnode->left)
- {
- pnode = parentnode;
- parentnode = pnode->parent;
- }
- if (parentnode)
- return parentnode->elem;
- else
- return T();
- }
- return T();
- }
- template <class T>
- int BinarySearchTree<T>::empty() const
- {
- return (NULL == root);
- }
- //按照大小顺序输出二叉查找树,即中根遍历的方法输出二叉查找树.使用stack功能的实现。
- template <class T>
- void BinarySearchTree<T>::inorder_tree_walk() const
- {
- if (NULL != root)
- {
- stack<BinarySearchTreeNode<T>*> s;
- BinarySearchTreeNode<T> *P_temp;
- P_temp = root;
- while (NULL != P_temp || !s.empty())
- {
- if (NULL != P_temp)
- {
- s.push(P_temp);
- P_temp = P_temp->left;
- }
- else
- {
- P_temp = s.top();
- s.pop();
- cout << P_temp->elem << " ";
- P_temp = P_temp->right;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- int main()
- {
- BinarySearchTree<int> bstree;
- BinarySearchTreeNode<int>* ptnode, *proot;
- bstree.tree_insert(32);
- bstree.tree_insert(21);
- bstree.tree_insert(46);
- bstree.tree_insert(54);
- bstree.tree_insert(16);
- bstree.tree_insert(38);
- bstree.tree_insert(70);
- cout << "inorder tree walk is: ";
- bstree.inorder_tree_walk();
- proot = bstree.get_root();
- cout << "\nmax value is: " << bstree.tree_maxmum(proot) << endl;
- cout << "min value is: " << bstree.tree_minmum(proot) << endl;
- ptnode = bstree.tree_search(38);
- if (ptnode)
- cout << "the element 38 is exist in the binary tree.\n";
- else
- cout << "the element 38 is not exist in the binary tree.\n";
- cout << "the successor of 38 is: " << bstree.tree_successor(38) << endl;
- cout << "the predecessor of 38 is:" << bstree.tree_predecessor(38) << endl;
- if (bstree.tree_remove(46) == 0)
- cout << "delete 46 successfully" << endl;
- else
- cout << "delete 46 failed" << endl;
- cout << "inorder tree walk is: ";
- bstree.inorder_tree_walk();
- exit(0);
- }
二叉查找上各种基本操作的运行时间都是O(h),h为树的高度。但是在元素插入和删除过程中,树的高度会发生改变。如果n个元素按照严格增长的顺序插入, 那个构造出的二叉查找树的高度为n-1。例如按照先后顺序插入7、15、18、20、34、46、59元素构造二叉查找树,二叉查找树结构如下所示: